Bunte Bäume aus dem LvE Logo mit Schrift 160 Jahre
Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde der Gartenkultur,
wir haben etwas zu feiern – feiern Sie mit! Im September 2025 steht ein ganz besonderes Jubiläum an:
160 Jahre Baumschule Lorenz von Ehren

Let’s celebrate this very special date together!

Founded in 1865, we can look back on over a century and a half of tree nursery history. A time in which countless trees and shrubs from our nursery fields have embellished gardens and parks all over the world.

Through innovations in the tree nursery industry, our quality plants have made a major contribution to garden culture within the past decades.

From the 18th to the 20th September 2025, our exciting days will start: with top-class speakers, inspiring specialist lectures and discussions as well as guided tours, music, snacks & drinks ...

We would be delighted to welcome you in September 2025!

Looking forward to seeing you, sincerely,
Sabine Tietz, Bernhard von Ehren and the LvE-Team

160 Years of Lorenz von Ehren Tree Nursery - time to celebrate

18. – 20. September 2025

18. September 2025 

On 18. September, we welcome you to our 21st „Lorenz von Ehren Symposium“. Be part of the audience when the Who's Who of the green industry comes together.

Once again, we will be looking at the current and most pressing issues around greenery. Leading experts will offer food for thought and invite you to join in the discussions.

As with our previous events, prominent keynote speakers will be awaiting you. Ernst-Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Hadi Teherani and Arved Fuchs have already been with us ... Who will be speaking in 2025? Let us surprise you!

19. September 2025
von Ehren-Akademie entdecken

On 19. September, we offer excursions to greening projects throughout Hamburg, including a visit of the „HafenCity“ and one of the most exciting green roofs of our time, the St. Pauli Bunker. Convince yourself about the importance of trees in times of climate change. Get to know positive examples, new ideas and solutions.

Expert knowledge for plant experts – this is the motto for the seminar programme within our newly implemented „von Ehren Academy“. Focus is on a wide range of topics around the „green universe“, like special pruning techniques, or care and handling when loading and unloading trees. Never stop learning …

20. September 2025
Open House

Experience a wonderful day at the tree nursery and get an idea of what growing trees and shrubs on a large scale is all about. See how trees are pruned, and how large trees are handled.

Get to know the work processes with state-of-the-art tree nursery equipment and technology. Get answers and advice from our master nurserymen within a tree consultation hour and enjoy a guided „Tree Nursery Safari!
On-site as well: plant sale, tasty snacks & drinks.

Suchen Sie nach Alternativen zu Ihrem Standardgehölz-Repertoire? Möchten Sie wissen, welche Gehölze sich besonders gut für herausfordernde Standorte eignen?
Lernen Sie vom Profi: Schnitt von Solitärgehölzen, Pflanzschnitt, Obstbaumschnitt (inkl. Formobst), Gartenbonsai
Alle wichtigen Krankheiten und Schädlinge werden anhand von Schadbild, Verbreitung, Vorkommen und Abwehr detailliert beschrieben.
The detailed program will be published soon.

Time to celebrate

18. - 20. September 2025 

Do you have any questions?

We will be happy to advise you!

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