
Our unique specimens: unmistakably individual

Unique specimens are deciduous and coniferous trees that can give a place something distinct through their individuality. Unique specimens are strong tree personalities, shaped by time and the loving care of the company's master gardeners. Topiaries, multi-stem trees, particularly old trees, rare species and varieties and picturesque trees. Trees that deserve the title "Unique specimen" due to their individuality.

"Our premium line 'Unique specimens' was very well received from the beginning, so I am particularly pleased to regularly showcase out some of our jewellery and display it to a broader public", says Bernhard von Ehren, CEO of Lorenz von Ehren nursery. "There are more and more customers who are looking for something special, and we can optimally serve them with our unique line", von Ehren continues.

A unique specimen from the Lorenz von Ehren nursery is unmistakably individual! Suitable for your garden!

What kind of plant are you looking for?
Use of plants
Acer negundo 'Variegatum' Unikat
Box Elder, Boxelder Maple, Ash-leaved Maple
7 to 9 m
4 to 6 m
Acer palmatum 'Dissectum Garnet' Unikat
Dunkelroter Schlitz-Ahorn
7 to 9 m
4 to 6 m
Acer tataricum Unikat
Tatarischer Steppen-Ahorn
Betula nigra Unikat
Fluß-Birke, Schwarz-Birke
Castanea sativa Unikat
Edel-Kastanie, Ess-Kastanie, Maronen
Castanea sativa Unikat
Edel-Kastanie, Ess-Kastanie, Maronen
Euonymus yedoensis Unikat
Hamiltons Spindelstrauch, Siebolds Spindelstrauch
Fraxinus ornus Unikat
Blumen-Esche, Manna-Esche
5 to 6 m
4 to 6 m
Heptacodium miconioides Unikat
Juniperus media 'Mint Julep' Unikat
Strauchwacholder 'Mint Julep', Pfitzerwacholder
Malus floribunda Unikat
Vielblütiger Zierapfel, Japanischer Wildapfel
Malus toringo sargentii 'Eskilstuna' Unikat
Strauß-Apfel, Kleinfruchtiger Zierapfel