Entdecken Sie die vielfältigen privaten Gartenprojekte der renommierten Baumschule Lorenz von Ehren. Gestalten Sie Ihren privaten Garten mit hochwertigen Pflanzen und Bäumen. Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Expertise und inspirierende Ideen für private Gärt

Buy the most beautiful trees for private gardens

A private garden should be as individual as its owner. As exclusive as their taste! That’s why we cordially invite you to choose your tree personally and to purchase it there and then. Take a look around the Lorenz von Ehren nursery and revel in the large selection of exclusive trees and shrubs. Buy those that suit you and your personal garden concept: be it for a complete replanting or as a supplement to an existing private garden. With us, you can be sure to find the most beautiful trees.
On more than 600 hectares of land, we cultivate trees that you’ll find in all different sizes, stages of growth and, accordingly, ages. Shrubs, evergreens, fruit trees, topiary, complete hedges, unique pieces and garden bonsais. All of our trees and shrubs are raised by us over many years and cultivated with much dedication, manual work and expertise. For your own very personal, private garden.
Our tip for private individuals:
Woody plants are companions for life. Like all living beings, they also make demands on their location. We therefore recommend that the selection of the location and the correct planting be supervised by a landscape architect and/or gardening and landscaping company. The correct planning, planting and care of the trees and shrubs are crucial. They guarantee that you will enjoy your trees and shrubs in your own garden for a lifetime. We’re happy to refer you to suitable specialist companies in your region.


Yoga garden

If you are interested in yoga, you will likely also be familiar with the Japanese art of designing gardens and courtyards as places of peace and meditation.


Bernese Oberland

The helicopter is the solution when no mobile crane, no matter how large, can access the planting site. 


Garden Bad Homburg

A piece of tuscany in the middle of Germany.


Bonsai for Bavaria

Asian style elements characterise a garden. 

Garden Hessen

Large shrubs form a striking visual axis in this magnificent green refuge.


What a cedar!

A heavyweight for the garden: 12 meters high, six meters wide and weighing 12 tons. 


Garden Bonn

The stately Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) was lifted over the hedge using a trapezoidal hoist and then inserted into its planting hole. 


Roof garden in Burgenland

Sitting on the roof and gazing in relaxation over the surroundings: who wouldn’t want that? 

Do you have any questions?

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