

Previously only known in fossilized form, Chinese botanists found individuals of the ancient sequoia living in a remote Chinese mountain region in 1941.  A botanical sensation!

Trees for small gardens

Trees for small gardens

A house tree is more than just decoration: trees bring joy all year round - from spring blossoms and summer fruits to autumn colours and winter structures. They provide air conditioning, shade, living space and meeting places and are indispensable for gardens and cities.

Beautiful autumn colors

Beautiful autumn colors

In autumn, many trees and bushes change color and the landscape is covered in bright colors.

Boreal conifers

Boreal conifers

Evergreen - strong 24/7
Examples of beautiful conifers

Heimische Gehölze

Heimische Gehölze

Beispiele für heimische Gehölze

Unter unseren tollen heimischen Gehölze finden wir Klimwandelkönner und Gehölze, die auch jetzt noch in Parks und Gärten optimale Standortbedingungen finden.

Ein Aste voller buntgefärbter Blatter des Eisenholzbaumes

Parrotia persica

The ironwood tree (Parrotia persica) is a beautiful autumn colouring and a very good urban tree/climate tree.

The soil is too dry

The soil is too dry

The high level of soil dryness causes problems for the trees: they use up their accumulated water reserves much faster.