
Sophora Styphnolobium

Sophora Styphnolobium

Sophora japonica / Styphnolobium japonicum: insect pasture and urban tree!

Taxus baccata yew

Taxus baccata yew

The European yew (Taxus baccata) is more versatile than almost any other conifer.

The leaf of the rock pear Amelanchier with the onset of autumn colour.


Amelanchier as a fruit tree? As a bee pasture? As a climate tree? As decoration? What then?

Trends for the 2023 season

Trends for the 2023 season

26 wunderschöne Bienengehölze für die BUGA 2023 in Mannheim. Wir stellen sie auf die Fläche: Hektar für Nektar.

Die zarten gelben Blüten der Kornelkirsche

Cornus mas

What do city climate resistance, jam, and non-swimmers have in common?