Campsis radicans

Trumpet Creeper, Trumpet Honeysuckle, Trumpet Vine

Main features: All features >

6 to 10 m
Flower colour
Flowering Time
July, August, September
Light/shadow demands
slightly alkaline, neutral, alkaline, slightly acidic
loamy, tolerant of salt, permeable, all substrates
Campsis radicans
Climbing roots/self-adhesive, 6-10 (15) m tall, 6-10 m wide, dense mats; wide and loosely overhanging twigs at the top; initially slow-growing, after 3-5 years fast-growing, 150-300 cm a year
Splendid, orange-red, trumpet-like flowers, 4-6 cm long, in numerous, loose clusters of 7-9; from July to the beginning of September; not fragrant; cutting the last year's shoots back to a few buds in spring furthers the production of flowers
Pinnate, 7-13 lateral leaflets, ovoidly pointed; late shoots in mid or end of May, reddish green, dark green in summer; yellow-green or yellow in autumn from mid or end of September on
Rare; elongated capsules like cigars; olive-green, unpalatable
Shallow, fleshy root system, resistant to floods and soil compaction and moderate covering, but needs to be planted carefully
Full sun is best for the development of flowers, shady to semi-shady areas also possible but with far fewer flowers; tolerates heat, needs warmth, moderately frost hardy, low to high humidity, resistant to urban and industrial pollution
Dry to very moist, slightly acidic to very alkaline, prefers well drained, sandy-gravelly or sandy-loamy substrates, also possible in heavy soil but more sensitive to frost.  
Hardiness Zone
Zone 6b    
As the suckers are only formed on the internodes, i.e. where the leaves develop on the shoot, some 20-40 cm apart, the twigs are not as perfectly attached to the wall as with ivy. To help them climb, crossways climbing aids should be set up to prevent the shoots from being ripped off smooth walls by heavy rain, storms, or ice.
Bee pasture/nectar
Bignonia radicans; Tecoma radicans
Product Nr Options Price (plus 7% VAT)
99200279 Cont 3 l, 60-100 €13.50
bks44281004 Pot 1,5 L, 60-100 €13.50
98610347 specimen staked, Cont 7,5 l, height 80-100 €40.00
99300279 specimen, Cont 7,5 l, height 100-150 €55.00
SANA008885 specimen, Cont 20 l, height 150-200 €90.00
98810347 specimen, Cont 20 l, height 200-250 €140.00
Product Nr Options Price (plus 7% VAT)
99200279 Cont 3 l, 60-100 €13.50
bks44281004 Pot 1,5 L, 60-100 €13.50
98610347 specimen staked, Cont 7,5 l, height 80-100 €40.00
99300279 specimen, Cont 7,5 l, height 100-150 €55.00
SANA008885 specimen, Cont 20 l, height 150-200 €90.00
98810347 specimen, Cont 20 l, height 200-250 €140.00