Hydrangea paniculata 'Early Sensation'

Main features: All features >

1 to 2 m
Flower colour
white, pink
Flowering Time
July, August
Light/shadow demands
light shade, no direct sunlight, sun
acidic, neutral, slightly acidic
humos, tolerant of salt, all substrates
Trees and shrubs for bees
Hydrangea paniculata 'Early Sensation'
Panicles with sterile ray florets and fertile inner flowers; varying, white; withering to antique pink, burgundy to red-brown, elegantly loose, 20-25 cm long Flowering
Sun to light shade; frost hardy
Acidic to neutral substrates, rich in humus, fresh to moist; frequent fertilising demanded when plants are strongly pruned
to promote flowering branches of older plants may be cut back annually to 1/3 of the older wood, strong twigs should be completely removed
Hardiness Zone
Zone 5a
Bee pasture/nectar
H. paniculata 'Bulk'
Product Nr Options Price (plus 7% VAT)
SANA013514 Cont 3 l, 40-60 €21.50
SANA013515 Cont 5 l, 60-80 €35.00
SANA019509 specimen, Cont 15 l, 80-100 €75.00
SANA013538 specimen, Cont 20 l, height 100-125 €110.00
SANA013357 specimen, Cont 20 l, height 125-150 €180.00
SANA013353 specimen, 3 x trp., rootballed, height 80-100 €75.00
SANA013354 specimen, 3 x trp., rootballed, height 100-125 €110.00
SANA013355 specimen, 3 x trp., rootballed, height 125-150 €180.00
Product Nr Options Price (plus 7% VAT)
SANA013514 Cont 3 l, 40-60 €21.50
SANA013515 Cont 5 l, 60-80 €35.00
SANA019509 specimen, Cont 15 l, 80-100 €75.00
SANA013538 specimen, Cont 20 l, height 100-125 €110.00
SANA013357 specimen, Cont 20 l, height 125-150 €180.00
SANA013353 specimen, 3 x trp., rootballed, height 80-100 €75.00
SANA013354 specimen, 3 x trp., rootballed, height 100-125 €110.00
SANA013355 specimen, 3 x trp., rootballed, height 125-150 €180.00