Belebte Fußgängerzone in Wörgl Österreich

Redesign Bahnhofstraße / Wörgl, Österreich

Urban square

The four existing trees at Fusslplatz were protected during the construction process. Together with the 16 newly planted trees, they provide shade, bind fine dust and increase air humidity. This will create a pleasant microclimate and make the street a place where you want to be. The irrigation of the trees simultaneously represents the drainage of the road surface. The resulting surface water is drained through the paved paving surfaces into a coarse-grained gravel and into fine, water-retaining materials in order to be filtered and stored there. The entire surface water and the water from the features do not end up in the canal system, but in this retention area from which the trees supply themselves with this stored rainwater over a longer period of time - especially during summer heat periods. 


Other interesting plants!

Your contact for this project

Gereon Göller
phone: +49 (40) 76108-138
mobile phone: +49 (171) 2469442
mail: Göller(at)


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