Amelanchier - Shadbush


Blühende Felsenbirne in Reihen gepflanzt
Amelanchier lamarkii als blühendes Spalier
Felsenbirne im orangenen HErbstkleis
Weißblühende mehrstämmige Felsenbirnen
Felsenbirne Kugeln in Herbstfärbung


Our Amelanchier

Most species of the genus Amelanchier originate from North America and were introduced to Europe before the 18th century. 
The attractive shrubs quickly spread in gardens and parks. At the beginning of the 19th century, rock pears were cultivated for fruit growing. In this way, the foreign shrubs were able to quickly establish themselves 
here. Some of them went wild and hybridised with the native A. ovalis.

Find your Amelanchier

You can rely on this:

Das ehemalige Firmengebäude der Baumschule Lorenz von Ehren in Nienstedten vor den Toren Hamburgs.

For more than 155 years, the name Lorenz von Ehren has stood for high-quality trees and shrubs, regardless of their size and age.

Groß- und Alleebäumen, Bonsai und Solitärs, Formgehölzen, Rhododendron, Heckenelementen, Obstbäumen und Koniferen werden auf insgesamt 600ha in Hamburg und Bad Zwischenahn angebaut.

Large trees as well as avenue trees, bonsais and solitaires, topiaries, rhododendrons, hedging elements, fruit trees and conifers are grown on a total of 600 ha in Hamburg and Bad Zwischenahn.

Eine Biene ist im Anflug auf prächtige Blüten

Strong and healthy plants only thrive on healthy soils. That is why we treat them with care. Sustainability is crucial to us, as we want all living around us to be in the very best condition.