Sophora japonica

Japanese Pagoda Tree

Aufgrund seiner Blütezeit von Ende Juli bis August ist der Schnurbaum, auch Pagodenbaum genannt, eine späte und sehr ergiebige Nahrungsquelle für zahlreiche Insekten. Die lockeren, bis... More Info

Main features: All features >

15 to 20 m
12 to 15 m
Flower colour
Flowering Time
Light/shadow demands
slightly alkaline, neutral, alkaline, slightly acidic
loamy, sandy-loamy, sandy, tolerant of salt, permeable
Climate Trees
Trees and shrubs for bees
Sophora japonica

Aufgrund seiner Blütezeit von Ende Juli bis August ist der Schnurbaum, auch Pagodenbaum genannt, eine späte und sehr ergiebige Nahrungsquelle für zahlreiche Insekten. Die lockeren, bis zu 30 cm langen Rispen mit den cremeweißen bis zartgelben Blüten erscheinen in dicht gedrängter Fülle und bei dieser Sorte bereits im Alter von 6–8 Jahren. Schnurbäume werden mit 15–20 m recht hoch und benötigen für ihre oftmals majestätische Erscheinung ausreichend Platz. Das gefiederte, dunkelgrüne Blatt sorgt für lichten Schatten und verbleibt lange am Baum. Die Früchte, ungewöhnliche perlschnurartige Hülsen, werden nur im Weinbauklima gebildet. Schnurbäume vertragen sonnige und trockene Standorte auf allen schwach sauren bis alkalischen Böden, schwere Substrate oder Staunässe sollte vermieden werden. Ältere Pflanzen sind gut frosthart.

Light, medium-size tree, 15 (20) m tall, 12-15 m wide, round crown, somewhat umbrella-shaped when old; usually short stem, main branches funnel-shaped, ascending; twigs extended, a bit overhanging; the first five years ascending, 10-20 cm a year, then medium to strong-growing, 20-40 cm, slowing down from the 20th year on
rund, high arched, umbrella-shaped rund, high arched, umbrella-shaped
Loose panicles, cream-white, August; only flowering on old trees; important late summer flowers
Shoot late, pinnate, pale to bluish green; without autumn colours or pale yellow in November
Rarely in these parts, only in wine-growing regions; then uncommon, hanging husks like pearl necklaces from end of September, poisonous
Shallow and far-reaching, no runners, tolerate paving and some covering
Sun; resistant to heat, usually frost hardy, young specimen sensitive to early frost; dry to fresh; very resistant to drought once established after several years; resistant to urban pollution, good for industrial areas, tolerant of salt, somewhat tolerant of wind
Slightly acidic to very alkaline (pH above 8.4); always well drained, sandy-loamy or loamy substrates; not too heavy soil as it will not ripen and is sensitive to frost there
Cut only in autumn as it bleeds considerably in spring
Hardiness Zone
Zone 6b    
Bee pasture/nectar
Styphnolobium japonicum
Product Nr Options Price (plus 7% VAT)
bkA608172085586 specimen, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 150-200 €150.00
bkA161215385772 specimen, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 200-250 €210.00
99410146 specimen, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 250-300, width 150-200 €420.00
99510146 specimen, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 300-350, width 150-200 €600.00
99820146 specimen, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 350-400, width 150-200 €900.00
98260106 standard tree, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 10-12 €350.00
99910146 standard tree, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 12-14 €390.00
99020146 standard tree, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 14-16 €550.00
99822310 standard tree, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 16-18 €750.00
bks22370352 standard tree, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 18-20 €950.00
99420146 standard tree, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 20-25 €1,250.00
99852310 specimen tree, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 20-25, height 400-500, width 150-200 €1,500.00
99862310 specimen tree, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 25-30, height 400-500, width 150-200 €1,900.00
98785710 specimen tree, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 25-30, height 400-500, width 200-300 €2,300.00
98795710 specimen tree, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 30-35, height 400-500, width 200-300 €2,900.00
98805710 specimen tree, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 35-40, height 400-500, width 200-300 €3,500.00
98815710 specimen tree, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 30-35, height 500-700, width 200-300 €3,100.00
98825710 specimen tree, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 35-40, height 500-700, width 200-300 €3,700.00
98835710 specimen tree, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 40-45, height 500-700, width 200-300 €4,400.00
bks22370016 specimen tree, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 40-45, height 500-700, width 300-400 €5,500.00
bks22370018 specimen tree, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 45-50, height 500-700, width 300-400 €6,500.00
bkA108072548483 specimen tree, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 50-60, height 500-700, width 300-400 €8,500.00
Product Nr Options Price (plus 7% VAT)
bkA608172085586 specimen, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 150-200 €150.00
bkA161215385772 specimen, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 200-250 €210.00
99410146 specimen, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 250-300, width 150-200 €420.00
99510146 specimen, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 300-350, width 150-200 €600.00
99820146 specimen, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, height 350-400, width 150-200 €900.00
98260106 standard tree, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 10-12 €350.00
99910146 standard tree, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 12-14 €390.00
99020146 standard tree, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 14-16 €550.00
99822310 standard tree, 3 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 16-18 €750.00
bks22370352 standard tree, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 18-20 €950.00
99420146 standard tree, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 20-25 €1,250.00
99852310 specimen tree, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 20-25, height 400-500, width 150-200 €1,500.00
99862310 specimen tree, 4 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 25-30, height 400-500, width 150-200 €1,900.00
98785710 specimen tree, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 25-30, height 400-500, width 200-300 €2,300.00
98795710 specimen tree, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 30-35, height 400-500, width 200-300 €2,900.00
98805710 specimen tree, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 35-40, height 400-500, width 200-300 €3,500.00
98815710 specimen tree, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 30-35, height 500-700, width 200-300 €3,100.00
98825710 specimen tree, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 35-40, height 500-700, width 200-300 €3,700.00
98835710 specimen tree, 5 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 40-45, height 500-700, width 200-300 €4,400.00
bks22370016 specimen tree, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 40-45, height 500-700, width 300-400 €5,500.00
bks22370018 specimen tree, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 45-50, height 500-700, width 300-400 €6,500.00
bkA108072548483 specimen tree, 6 x trp., rootballed, with wire mesh, girth 50-60, height 500-700, width 300-400 €8,500.00