Larix - Larch


Wunderschöne große Lärchen in der Baumschule


Our Larix

Larches grow almost everywhere in the world and are characterized by their extreme frost resistance. No other species of tree continues to penetrate inhospitable areas - they even grow at 72nd latitude. All larch species sprout very early and show their fresh green needle bundles as early as at the beginning of April. In autumn, they say goodbye with their spectacular, bright yellow autumn colouring that often only begins at the beginning of November. Larch thus belongs to one of the four genera of coniferous plants that shed their needles in winter.


Find your Larix

Larix decidua
European Larch
25 to 50 m
4 to 10 m
Larix kaempferi
Japanese Larch
25 to 30 m
8 to 10 m

Examples from our nursery manufactory