Hydrangea paniculata - Panicle hydrangea

The panicle hydrangeas (H. paniculata) are closely related to the farmers' hydrangeas (Hydrangea hybrids), but are more frost-hardy and cope better with drought - a great advantage in times of climate change. Another plus:
some varieties like 'Kyushu' are considered extremely insect-friendly.

The original distribution area of the wild species stretches from Russia via China to Japan. Hydrangea paniculata prefers semi-shady locations in deciduous and riparian forests on fresh to moist soils. In suitable locations, the summer-flowering shrubs can reach a height of nine metres.

H. paniculata was already known in Europe in the 19th century, but is hardly available in the wild.


Japan, China
Normal shrub, 2-3 m tall and wide, initially upright and branched.
Many flowers, 20-30 cm large, splendid white panicles depending on species variety and soil pH, flowering period over several weeks from July
to September; no fruits.
Coarse, ovate, dull green, large, some varieties display autumn colour.
Sun to light shade; frost hardy.
Acidic to neutral substrates, rich in humus, fresh to moist; frequent fertilising demanded when plants are strongly pruned.
to promote flowering branches of older plants may be cut back annually to 1/3 of the older wood, strong twigs should be completely removed.
Zone 5a

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