Tree nursery Munich in Gilching

Lorenz von Ehren
display garden in Munich

Lorenz von Ehren display garden in Munich 
A symbiosis of unique specimens and topiaries


With this display garden, the Lorenz von Ehren nursery is getting closer to its customers in Southern Germany and Southern Europe, taking another fundamental step in its commitment to high customer service. 
On 5000m² you will find the most beautiful plants from our unique assortment as well as perfectly shaped topiaries. Let us seduce and inspire you!

But we haven’t finished yet and keep up designing and enlarging the exhibition area in order to show you even more plants and shrubs from our nursery.
We are already planning further 5000m² of wonderfully planted trees and shrubs. Look forward to it!

Schaugarten München

In Norddeutschland gleich zweimal vertreten, präsentiert die Baumschule Lorenz von Ehren ihr Sortiment und die Schönheit ihrer Gehölze nun auch in München/Bayern. Zunächst auf einer Fläche von einem halben Hektar. Über locker aufgereihte Schautafeln erfahren die Besucher zudem Wissenswertes über die Baumschule.

Einen besonderen Blickfang bietet der elegante Schwimmteich, mit seinen natürlichen, grünen Schattenspendern. Eine Komposition, die die Herzen aller höher schlagen lässt.


Unsere Schaugarten-Broschüre zum Download


A symbiosis of topiaries and unique specimens using the example of, among others:

  • Taxodium distichum, Heptacodium miconioides, Malus sargentii und Malus evereste, Parrotia persica usw
  • fruit trees from dem alten Land
  • espalier fruit trees
  • Taxus baccata: sphere, pyramid, cube, beehive
  • Pinus in varieties as umbrella form and bonsai
  • Amelanchier in varieties
  • Platanus acerifolia as roof form
  • Carpinus betulus as columns and arches

Opening hours and contact

January - February closed  
Dates by arrangement
March - May
Mon-Fri 8-19 h / Saturday 8:00-14:00 h
June - September
Mon - Fri 8:00-18:00 / Saturday appointments by arrangement
October - December 
Mon - Fri 8:00-17:00 / Saturday appointments by arrangement
Closed on Sundays and public holidays

Hans Schmidt
Steinlach 6
82205 Gilching

phone: +49 (40) 76108-252
mobile: +49 (172) 1025979
mail: Hans.Schmidt(at)

Be inspired! We invite you to stroll around the garden (please respect the above-mentioned opening hours). If individual advice is needed, we kindly ask you to make an appointment beforehand. 

The display garden has been designed for landscape architects and landscaping companies including their clients. But the garden is of course open to private visitors as well (viewing only).

School groops as well as university/student groups will be given expert advice (by appointment only).

Celebrate in the display garden!

The cosy wooden hut in the display garden and the open space in front are available for events, all year round. The perfect site for your private party!

If you are interested: Timo Eisl, Eisl GmbH, phone: 0163-7636001, maill: t.eisl(at)

Please find a floor plan of the hut here  Ground plan of the hut(.pdf)