Abies - Fir


Tannen stehen in Reihe
Reihenweise junge Tannen in der Baumschule


Our Abies

Of the 40 species comprising the fir genus, not all are suitable for gardens or
parks as many of them are among the largest trees on earth. These trees are
especially demanding and sensitive to extreme conditions. Nevertheless, firs
have always been held in great esteem as noble conifers as their symmetrical
conical habits make for splendid, striking trees.

Their needles are especially beautiful. Most firs develop flat, often aromatic needles that are generally dark green on top with two white stripes underneath. Some cultivars have needles that are greyish green to bluish green on both

The firs have inconspicuous, monoecious flowers, male and female flower organs being on the same individual. True fir cones are not easy to find as they only grow after several decades and in the higher branches of the tree.

They do not fall as cones to the ground, as is the case with spruces, but rather as single
cone scales when they have ripened. It is thus not surprising that there are only a few Abies varieties that produce decorative cones at eye-level when they are
still young. Unlike spruces, the cones of firs are on the branches.
Garden-variety firs only develop their full beauty if they have
had enough space to grow from the very beginning and
have not been suppressed by larger competitors.

Find your Abies

You can rely on this:

Das ehemalige Firmengebäude der Baumschule Lorenz von Ehren in Nienstedten vor den Toren Hamburgs.

For more than 155 years, the name Lorenz von Ehren has stood for high-quality trees and shrubs, regardless of their size and age.

Groß- und Alleebäumen, Bonsai und Solitärs, Formgehölzen, Rhododendron, Heckenelementen, Obstbäumen und Koniferen werden auf insgesamt 600ha in Hamburg und Bad Zwischenahn angebaut.

Large trees as well as avenue trees, bonsais and solitaires, topiaries, rhododendrons, hedging elements, fruit trees and conifers are grown on a total of 600 ha in Hamburg and Bad Zwischenahn.

Eine Biene ist im Anflug auf prächtige Blüten

Strong and healthy plants only thrive on healthy soils. That is why we treat them with care. Sustainability is crucial to us, as we want all living around us to be in the very best condition.