Der Apfelbaum ist einer unserer Obstgehölze

Fruit trees are trendy!

Harvest fruit from your own garden from summer to autumn.
From stylish pear trellises, classic apple trees, or plum roofs.
Of course, you can also look at it the other way around - apple trellis, classic plum trees and pear roofs. The latter may be impractical, since a pear can fall on your head - well, it’s all about how you want to do it.

“Fruit trees are multifunctional: They not only give delicious fruits, but also decorate the garden with their sometimes bizarre growth, their colourful bloom, and bright colours of autumn.”

Anna Schellhase, Digital Marketing, Lorenz von Ehren Nursery

What will we harvest today?

This is exactly the question – or maybe it isn’t. Because if you plan smartly, you can harvest fresh fruit over a long time. The fruit tree season begins with cherries in July followed by walnuts (Juglans regia) and pears, and ends with storable apples to be harvested in November.

Fruit to eat right off the tree, or for baking trays, pots and juicers, or what else is needed to process the fruits.

Small is still quite big!

And please note: As a rule, summer-green trees do not grow very large – up to a maximum of 9 to 15 meters, and in a skilful gardener’s hands, even 50-year-old trees can be kept at a height of three to four meters.

Good to know for the owners of small gardens: low height does not necessarily mean less yield. Fruit is also easier to harvest at lower heights. And if there is ever fallen fruit, then simply consider collecting it as part of fitness in the countryside. With this we have so returned to the health effects of fruit trees >.

Some suggestions!