Selected genera

„My favourite species is Pinus! There is so much variety and excitement in the species and varieties that I am always surprised at what is going on."
Anna Schellhase, Digital Marketing, Lorenz von Ehren Tree Nursery
Deciduous shrubs are available in an immense selection: There are suitable ornamental shrubs and trees for all locations and every design wish. Whether particularly flowering, large or small, fantastically autumn-coloured, insect grazing or with an exciting growth habit.
- Acer
- Aesculus
- Alnus
- Amelanchier
- Betula
- Catalpa
- Carpinus
- Cornus
- Corylus
- Cotoneaster
- Crataegus
- Euonymus
- Fagus
- Fraxinus
- Gleditsia
- Hamamelis
- Hydrangea
- Ilex
- Juglans
- Ligustrum
- Liquidambar
- Liriodendron
- Malus
- Magnolia
- Populus
- Prunus
- Quercus
- Rhododendron
- Rhododendron Azalea
- Robinia
- Salix
- Sorbus
- Syringa
- Tilia
- Ulmus
- Viburnum
Conifers are still often underestimated. Yet they radiate a special atmosphere, convince with their interesting habit, their pruning tolerance or simply with their overwhelming application possibilities.
Fruit trees
Fruit trees are the all-rounders for every garden: starting with a colourful blossom, pink, red or white, they give delicious fruits in autumn and shine in bright colours. In winter, they decorate the garden with their perhaps bizarre growth.